
Teknotel is a company founded 37 years ago for telecommunication services. Their main business looks like ISP/Connectivity business. Teknotel says they have local fiber routes but there is no information about. So lets check datacenter of Teknotel.

Company Main Focus:

Their main focus looks like ISP and connectivity business from their web and marketing objects. Also they showing some cloud and hosting services on their web site.


Teknotel located on Asian site of İstanbul. Located almost middle of the residential and commercial area, which is good for connectivity business.

Building developed for regular office requirements. They are using shared building for datacenter services. There is no info about building construction quality.

[Not Confirmed]

Energy Level:

They says full redundant energy grid connectivity has 450 KVA capacity. 2N+1 redundancy on Generator level. On UPS level 2 different systems feed direct connected to each rack for max 5 KW energy.

There is no any info about engineering or/and quality certification.

[Not Confirmed]


Air Conditioning Level:

They says 2N+1 redundant cooling systems working for 22 degree cooling target.

There is no any info about engineering or/and quality certification.

[Not Confirmed]


Rack and White Space Standarts:

There is no any info about these details.


They says ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 14001.

[Not Confirmed]


Fire And Safety:

Company Tells:
FM200 Systems installed. [Not Confirmed]


Company Tells:
They have all operators connectivity. [Not Confirmed]

Traffic Capacitiy and Approx Usages:

They says have many links to other operators. But our predictions around 5-10 Gbps usages max.

[Not Confirmed]


General Notes from DCT Team-

Generally they don’t have any marketing on local datacenter sector and they don’t have any active operations on our market. Their place is old and small then new locations on our country.